Areas of Study
Focus is on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as measured by the Smarter Balanced Assessment System. Each class studies the core literary and informational texts chosen. Reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language skills are taught through the texts studied. Students learn critical thinking and the academic English needed to be successful.
English Language Development
English Language Development![]()
English Language Development
This course is designed to teach the English language to non-native speakers. The goals are to increase the ability to communicate with native speakers, to function successfully in society, and to acheive fluency in oral and written expression as established in the State English Languaage Learner Standards.
Exploratory and Electives
Exploratory and Electives
Exploratory and Electives
Students are given the opportunity to participate in an elective class in middle school. Each middle school develops its own unique configuration of electives. You will recieve a detailed description of the electives offered at your school from the counselors at the time of "Pre-Registration". Courses may vary in length from one quarter to a semester to a full year. Quarter courses are part of the middle school "exploratory" offering. Exploratory classes provide students with an introduction to three or four different courses during the school year. Students who then desire to pursue a particular area of study may do so later in high school.
Courses may be offered in the following areas:
- Art
- AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
- Leadership
- Music
- Student Aides *Requires parent consent for enrollment
- Yearbook
All grade 7 students will transition to the Integrated Math program in alignment with the Common Core State Standards. The entry point is the Common Core Math (CC7) course that will prepare students for the progression towards college and career readiness in mathematics. The CC7 course will integrate the 8 Mathematical Practices within the following areas: ratios and proportional relationships, the number system, expressions and equations, geometry and statistics and probaility.
This second course in the Integrated Common Core middle school sequence will build on mastery of the following CC7 course concepts: the number system, expressions and equations, geometry, and statistics and probability. This course will also introduce students students to functions for the first time. Throughout the course students will continue to apply the 8 Mathematical Practices.
Physical Education
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Physical Education
In 7th grade, the content standards emphasize meeting challenges and making decisions. The focus of this course is the application of movement skills and knowledge to individual and dual phyiscal activities; the assessment and maintenance of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
In 8th grade, the content standards emphasize working as a team to solve problems. The focus of this course is the application of movement skills and knowledge (including defensive and offensive strategies) to team phyiscal activities.
All 7th grade students are required by state mandate to take the California Physical Fitness test, a criterion-referenced test, which measures the student's progress toward achieving the Healthy Fitness Zone in the five components of health-related fitness: cardiorespiratory endurance; muscular strength; muscular endurance; flexibiltiy; and body composition.
Science 7 is aligned to the California State Content Standards. The areas of study for 7th grade science will include cells, genetics, evolution, human reproduction, and physical principles in living systems. The course will include hands-on activities, experimentation and investigation.
Science 8 is aligned to the California State Content Standards. The areas of study for 8th grade science will include physics (force, motion, density, and buoyance), chemistry, and astronomy. The course will include hands-on activities, experimentation, and investigation.
Social Studies
Social Studies![]()
Social Studies
World History/Geography
Students study World History and Geography from the fall of the Roman Empire through the 18th century (the Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason), including the study of world religions and the history of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. An emphasis is placed on historial and social science analysis skills as well as geographic literacy.
Students study World History and Geography from the fall of the Roman Empire through the 18th century (the Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment, and the Age of Reason), including the study of world religions and the history of Latin America, Africa, and Asia. An emphasis is placed on historial and social science analysis skills as well as geographic literacy.
United States History
This course includes a study from the framing of the Constitution up to the transformation of American in response to the Industrial Revolution. This course includes a brief review of the American Revolution. Students will develop geographic literacy and study the impact of history on today's world.
This course includes a study from the framing of the Constitution up to the transformation of American in response to the Industrial Revolution. This course includes a brief review of the American Revolution. Students will develop geographic literacy and study the impact of history on today's world.